Last’s anatomy pdf is the gross anatomy textbook for regional and applied anatomy. It is one of the standard book that mostly post graduates use. It is one of the unique book of applied anatomy and considered one of the best for post graduates.
Last’s anatomy of regional applied anatomy is written by Chummy S. Sinnatamby. It has 12 editions and one of the detailed book of gross anatomy. The best thing about this book is that it has covered all the embryology and discussed each and every muscle etc in detail. Although the diagrams are not that good so you would have to use anatomy atlas like netter or grant’s atlas along with it. But still it is one of the best resource and best alternative of grays’s clinical anatomy pdf and clinically oriented anatomy pdf especially for applied anatomy.
Another good thing about this books is that unlike gray’s and KLM, this book is very brief. Although this is for postgraduates especially but still it is very brief which helps in saving time.
Last’s Anatomy pdf Features:
Here are some of the features of 12th edition of this applied anatomy book:
- In the twelfth edition, the illustration are greatly improved.
- Different endoscopy, surgical and other pictures are added in the 12th edition
- Color, tone, shade and contrast of the existing illustration are improved a lot in the 12th edition.
- In the 12th edition of last’s regional and applied anatomy the whole text has been revised with in the interest of relevance and readability.
- Different surgical procedures and knowledge related surgical anatomy have been updated.
- Topic are divided into different heading and diagram/picture with each and every structure in inserted.
Download Last’s Anatom: Regional And Applied Anatomy pdf 12th edition:
you can download the twelfth edition of regional and applied last’s anatomy pdf below free. But keep in mind that this free pdf is only for preview purposes.
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