Physiology is an important subject and it takes a lot of good books to provide you with enough content to cover your course and have a better understanding of the subject. In this article, we will tell you about three important books of physiology which you can get to enhance your knowledge as a student. You can also download these physiology books pdf from our website.
1. Anatomy and Physiology by J. Gordon.
This is one of the latest and most dynamics books you will ever witness. The book is a work of many authors working on the subject of physiology and is regarded as one of the most dynamic books on the subject. The book got released in 2013 and contain the latest information concerning the field of physiology. If you are looking to do specialization in this subject, this book will be of immense help.
2. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology by Gerard J. Tortora.
If one of the books which are still as important as it first got published in 1975 is this Principles of Anatomy and Physiology wrote by Gerard J. Tortora. The book contains beautiful illustrations alongside each topic which is explained in great details. Each topic kicks off with the basic definition, has important diagrams and tables alongside delivering important side information, and connects different concepts of physiology in a beautiful way.
3. Human Anatomy & Physiology by Elaine Marieb.
The concepts are most important to learn and when it comes to the basic ones, you cannot compromise on them ever. While that is the case, Elaine Marieb has done enough in this book to bring a meaningful explanation of each and every topic. Since the language used is quite easy, the students end up clearing their concepts well making it one of the most demanding books.
For each book, you can find the download button given below.
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